To multiply fractions, mutiply both numerators and then multiply both denominators. When using whole numbers, it might be a good idea to think of the whole number as a fraction with the whole number as the numerator and the denominator being 1. To solve your problem, look at it this way: 5/8 X 3/1; To solve. multiply 5 by 3 for the new numerator (15) and then multiply 8 by 1 for the new denominator (8) which would give you the new fraction of 15/8. You can then change the fraction to 1-7/8 for the correct answer.
3 over 4 divided by 5 over 8 can be rewritten as 3 over 4 multiplied by 8 over 5. Hence, when we cross-multiply, we have 3 multiplied by 2 over 5 which gives 6 over 5 and equals 1.2.
5/8 x 5 = 25/8 or 3 and 1/8
2/5 divided by 3/8 multiplied by 4/5 = 64/75=2/5÷3/8 *4/5=2/5 *8/3 *4/5= 64/75
Five multiplied by 3/8 is 1 7/8
5/8 divided by 3/4 = 5/8 multiplied by 4/3 (5 x 4) / (8 x 3) = 20/24 = 5/6
It is: 12/5 times 5/8 = 60/40 = 3/2 simplified or as 1.5
4 4/5 x 1 2/3 = 8
3/5*7/8*5/3 = 7/8 (3/5*5/3 = 1)