sixty eight, eight hundred eighty eight thousand, eighty eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight. THERE U GO
256 divided by 2 divided by 2
84 divided by 2 is 42
For the Level 4, 10 divided by 2. Clear. 2 times 2 times 2. Clear. 112 divided 2 divided by 2 divided by 2 divided by 2. Clear. 12 divided by 2 divided by 2. Clear. 12 times 12 divided by 2 divded by 2 divided by 2 divided by 2. You WON! I didn't copy and paste this. I figured out myself and I am only 14. For you idiot aldults who are reading this, you don't have a life if you sit at the computer all day and try figure out kids' games.
2 divided by 10 is 0.2
2 divided by x-12-x divided by x-2 is -1/(6(x-2)).
3 divided by 4 plus 1 divided by 2 minus 2 divided by 3