It is 74.6
Many schools teach that if the next digit is 5 you should always round the previous digit up. This is not correct since it introduced an upward bias. The correct method is to round 5 up or down so the the last digit is even (see // This is the default rule adopted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
It is 310.3 rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 4.2 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 5.2 when rounded to the nearest tenths.
It is then 52.8 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is then 56.5 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 232.4 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is then 20.2 when rounded to the nearest tenth
It is 0.8 when rounded to the nearest tenth
Oh honey, 113.04 rounded to the nearest tenth is 113.0. It's as simple as that. No need to make a big fuss over it.