7 twelfths.That's 2 twelfths plus 5 twelfths. Soit's 7 twelfths.
We convert this to twelfths to give: 10 twelfths + 4 twelfths + 9 twelfths = 23 twelfths or 1 and 11 twelfths.
If the denominator (the lower part of the fraction) is the same you just add the numerators (the upper part) and place the result over the common denominator.
We convert the fractions to twelfths: 1 + 8 twelfths + 9 twelfths. 1 + 17 twelfths 2 and 5 twelfths.
7 twelfths.That's 2 twelfths plus 5 twelfths. Soit's 7 twelfths.
We convert this to twelfths to give: 10 twelfths + 4 twelfths + 9 twelfths = 23 twelfths or 1 and 11 twelfths.
If the denominator (the lower part of the fraction) is the same you just add the numerators (the upper part) and place the result over the common denominator.
17 twelfths or 1 and 5 twelfths.
It is: 7/12+1/4 = 5/6
The answer is 5/6.
We convert the fractions to twelfths: 1 + 8 twelfths + 9 twelfths. 1 + 17 twelfths 2 and 5 twelfths.
Reduced, this would equal 8 3/6 (8 and 3 sixths).
The answer is 1.
1/6 + 3/6 = 4/6 = 2/3