Do the division. 27/48 = 27 divided by 48 = 0.5625
2*2*2*2*3 = 48
The quotient of 48 and 12 is 4. In division, the dividend (48) is divided by the divisor (12) to give the quotient (4). This means that 48 can be divided into 12 equal parts, with each part being 4.
Do the division. 27/48 = 27 divided by 48 = 0.5625
2*2*2*2*3 = 48
The remainder is the number that is left over after the initial value has been divided as much as it can. If any numbers greater than 48 were present as a remainder, then these could be divided further into 48. If 48 is present as the remainder, then this can be divided by 48 to give 1, leaving no remainder. Thus, the largest possible remainder if the divisor is 48 is 47.
In any division sum involving two numbers, such as 48/6 = 8, the first number, 48, is called the dividend. The second number is the divisor and the third, the answer, is called the quotient.
48 divided by 8 is 6 and 8 divided by 48 is 0.1 reoccurring 6