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cm x cm x cm = cm^3

cm^3 is also known as 'mL' ( millilitres) or 'c.c' (cubic Centimetres) .

They are different names for the same volume.

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15y ago

cm cubed or cm^3

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what is 13 cm times 4 cm times 5 cm times 4 cm

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5' x 10 (152cm x 25cm)

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Q: What is Cm x cm x cm?
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1 cm X 12 cm or 12 cm X 1 cm = 12 square cm 2 cm X 6 cm or 6 cm X 2 cm = 12 square cm 3 cm X 4 cm or 4 cm X 3 cm = 12 square cm These are the only WHOLE numbers that are rectangles, and there are 6 of them.

What is cm² multiplied by cm?

cm² x cm = cm³

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3 cm is distance cm x cm is area cm x cm x cm is volume.

What is the volume of a 4 cm x 4 cm x 6 cm box?

4x4x6= 96; cm x cm x cm=cm3 ; answer is 96 cm3

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What is 1982 cm x 3353 cm in square cm?

1982 cm x 3353 cm = 6645646 cm2

2 centimeters x 3 centimeters x 2 centimeters?

Multiplication of length means expanding in dimension (whatever that means) that is 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 cm^2 it's 2 dimention, so it's area of a 1 by one rectangle. 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 cm ^3 which is a cube, it's 3D DO NOT try to visualize the following 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 cm^4, it's a 4D model (no one knows what it looks like) so in your case, 2 cm x 3 cm x 2 cm= (2 x 3 x 2) cm ^3 = 12 cm ^3 (paper form is cm to the power of 3)

What is 40 centimeters x 40 centimeters x30 centimeters in inches equal?

40 cm x 40 cm x 30 cm is equivalent to approximately 15.75 inches x 15.75 inches x 11.81 inches.

How many cubic feet in 60 cm x 60 cm x 30 cm?

(60-cm x 60-cm x 30-cm) x (1 inch/2.54 cm)3 x (1 foot/12 inches)3 = 3.814 foot3(rounded)

What is 16cm x 35.66 cm x 2.31 cm equals?

the product of 16cm x 35.66 cm x 2.31 cm is to calculated . The result = 1317 .9936 cm cubic.

What is the volume of a box that is 10 cm x 5 cm x 40 cm?

Vol = 10 cm * 5 cm * 40 cm = 2,000 cm3