There are 100 centimetres in 1 metre. Therefore, a hundredth of a metre is one centimetre.
The only reason a metre would need to be called a "linear metre" is to distinguish it between a "square metre" (1 metre in length timesed by one metre in width) and a "cubic metre" (1 metre in length timesed by one metre in width timesed by one metre in height).Therefore, one linear metre is the same measurement as one metre.
A metre cannot be converted to a square metre. A metre is a length and a square meter is an area.
A linear (lineal) metre is the same thing as a metre. I think it's a dumbed down term for a metre so people won't get confused with metre, square metre and cubic metre.
A metre is 100cm
The basic formula is 1 cubic metre = 1 metre x 1 metre x 1 metre.
It is: 94.82
The only reason a metre would need to be called a "linear metre" is to distinguish it between a "square metre" (1 metre in length timesed by one metre in width) and a "cubic metre" (1 metre in length timesed by one metre in width timesed by one metre in height).Therefore, one linear metre is the same measurement as one metre.
A metre cannot be converted to a square metre. A metre is a length and a square meter is an area.
It is 1 cubic metre.
1/4 of a metre is 25% of a metre
A linear (lineal) metre is the same thing as a metre. I think it's a dumbed down term for a metre so people won't get confused with metre, square metre and cubic metre.
Because if it wasn't, there would be something else that was and then that would be a metre.
A metre is 100cm
500.60 metre high 500.60 metre high 500.60 metre high 500.60 metre high
The basic formula is 1 cubic metre = 1 metre x 1 metre x 1 metre.
1000mm in a metre
Mesuring a metre.