Any number written in decimal, with non-zero digits after the decimal point. For example, 5.31.
Any fraction that doesn't represent an integer. For example, 2/3.
Irrational Numbers, such as square root of 2, pi, or e.
It is not a natural number but it is an integer and a real number.
All integers are real numbers.
Every integer is also a rational number and a real number.
No, 3.4 is not an integer. It is a rational number and a real number, but not an integer.
Yes. An integer has no fractions and if you can write it, it's a real number!
There is no integer which is not a real number.
It is not a natural number but it is an integer and a real number.
All integers are real numbers.
Every integer is also a rational number and a real number.
No, 3.4 is not an integer. It is a rational number and a real number, but not an integer.
Yes. An integer has no fractions and if you can write it, it's a real number!
Any integer is both.
Every integer is all three.
As an integer, 15 is a real number.
No, any number with a decimal point is not an integer, it is a real number.
yes, it is an integer an integer is a whole number
It is a real number, a rational number, an integer.