There is no such word as "abrical".
The algebraic expression for b plus 14 is b + 14
It is: b+b+b = 3b
The expression (a+b) + (a-b) can be rewritten as a + b + a - b = 2a.There is no need to use absolute value.
(b+h)(b+h)= b2+2hb+h2.
It's simple, x+a = b is the expression
It is an algebraic expression in the form of: b+14
It is an algebraic expression in the form of: b+14
b + 1 is b plus 1 as an algebraic expression.
It is: b+b+b = 3b
The answer is b+1. Therefore the algebraic expression for this is b+1
The expression (a+b) + (a-b) can be rewritten as a + b + a - b = 2a.There is no need to use absolute value.
The value of a + b depends on the values of the individual variables.The expression a + b cannot be simplified.
It is b + 9.
The expression is: (4a+b)/(2a-5b)
(b+h)(b+h)= b2+2hb+h2.
This expression can be factored. ab + 3a + b2 + 3b = a(b + 3) + b(b + 3) = (a + b)(b + 3)