The least common denominator for 9 and 10 is 90.
what is the common denominator of 49 and 9
The greatest common denominator is infinite. The least common denominator is 45.
18 3*6 = 18 2*9 = 18
9 is.
The least common denominator is 9
The least common denominator (LCD) of 3 and 9 is the smallest multiple that both numbers share. In this case, the LCD of 3 and 9 is the smallest number that is divisible by both 3 and 9, which is 9. This is because 9 is the smallest multiple of 3 and 9 that they both have in common, making it the least common denominator for these two numbers.
9 is.
The least common denominator of a set of numbers is basically the least common multiple of a set of numbers.Therefore, with 9 and 3, the LCM/ LCD is 9 because 9 is the 3rd multiple of 3.
It is: 45
It is: 90
The least common denominator for 9 and 10 is 90.
9 because both 9 and 3 go into the number