7 1/2% = 7.5% = 0.075 in decimal
It already is in its simplest form. In decimal, it is 7.5
One half percent can be written in decimal as 0.005 or just .005
Fifteen tenths, in decimal form, is written as 1.5 which is also equal to one and a half.
7 1/2% = 7.5% = 0.075 in decimal
It already is in its simplest form. In decimal, it is 7.5
Half a thousandth is written as 0.0005 in decimal form. A thousandth is 0.001, so half of that is 0.0005.
One half percent can be written in decimal as 0.005 or just .005
Fifteen tenths, in decimal form, is written as 1.5 which is also equal to one and a half.
2 1/2 written in decimal form is 2.5
We write two and a half as 2.5 in decimal form.
The number one and a half as 1.5 in decimal form.
1/2 in decimal form is 0.5.
0.5 or 0.50 or 0.500 or 0.5000 and so on..................................... One and a half = 1.5 or 1.50
A half written as a decimal is 0.5