To multiply a fraction by a whole number, you first multiply the whole number by the numerator, then divide it by the denominator. In this case, we have 15, and need to multiply it by the numerator 7. 15x7 = 105. The next step is to divide this by the denominator 9. 105/9 = 11.666...
When writing it down, you would simply put 7/9 x 15 = 11.666...
Seven ninths minus four ninths is 1/3.
7/9 > 11/15
5/9 x 27 = 15
12 is four ninths of twenty-seven.
seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths
Seven ninths minus four ninths is 1/3.
7/9 > 11/15
5/9 x 27 = 15
seven ninths.
Seven of them
That depends what there are one and seven ninths of.
Two ninths of twenty-seven is six.
Yes, seven eights is larger than seven ninths.
12 is four ninths of twenty-seven.
seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths
23 and seven ninths.