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It is 3/10.

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Q: What is that answer for nine over ten minus three over five?
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What is eight over nine minus three over four?

Five (5) over Thirty six (36). Or, roughly .13888888889.

What is the product of four x squared minus one over two x squared minus five x minus three and x squared minus six x plus nine over two x squared plus five x minus three?

By factoring I get x-3 divided by x+3

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What is eight over nine minus two over three?


What is eight over nine minus one over three?

5 over 9.

What is two over nine minus five over twenty seven?

2/9 minus 5/27 = 1/27

What is two over nine plus one over three?

five over nine

What is three over two minus four over nine?

1.928571429 or 27/14

What is the answer to the question three over five y plus one over nine?

There is no meaningful question in "three over five y plus one over nine". There cannot, therefore, be an answer.

What is three over five minus two over ten?

3/5 minus 2/10 is 2/5

What is one over three minus two over five?

1/3 minus 2/5 is -1/15

What is the answer to five over seven minus four over nine?

5/7 − 4/9 = 17/63