12 and 648
It is: 36
The GCF is 72.
72 multiplied by 9 is 648.
To find the number that, when multiplied by itself three times, equals 648, you need to find the cube root of 648. The cube root of 648 is 9, because 9 x 9 x 9 equals 729, which is the closest perfect cube to 648. Therefore, the number you are looking for is 9.
648 = ?%*900 648 = x/100*900 648 = 9x x = 648/9 x = 72
648 dived-by 72 = 576
648 is a multiple of 9, so just divide it. You should get 72.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 512 648 is 41,472
The GCF is 9.