The LCM is 348.
The LCM is: 348
It is: 3828
It is 348.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 116 87 is 348.
The 'Lowest Common Multiple' or 'LCM' of 58 and 174 is 348, as 58 X 6 = 174 X 2 = 348
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. If that's 2 and 14, the LCM is 14.
As a general rule, the product of the GCF and the LCM is equal to the product of the original numbers. That would make the answer to this problem 6240. Unfortunately, the GCF of 348 and 6240 isn't 87 and their LCM isn't 24960. Someone notated this problem incorrectly.
Since 29 is a prime number, the LCM is 29*12, so 348.
25% of 348= 25% * 348= 0.25 * 348= 87
348 = 348/1 or 34,800%