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It is 0.88

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Q: What is the decimal number that is 10 times smaller than 8.8?
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What is the decimal number which is 10 times smaller than 8.8?

8.8/10 = 0.88

What is the decimal number which is 100 times smaller than 6?

0.06 is 100 times smaller than 6.

What decimal is smaller than 20 percent?

Any decimal smaller than 0.2 . There are an infinite number of them.

Why can you multiply two decimal numbers together and get an answer less than either one of the numbers you multiplied?

For the same reason that you can multiply two proper fractions and get a smaller number than either of them. You are multiplying either decimal by a number that is smaller than 1. As a result you get an answer that is smaller than 1 times the first number.

Is a decimal bigger than a whole number?

No a decimal is smaller than a whole number.

Write as a decimal the number which is 100 times smaller than 6?

1.00 one hundred times smaller

Why do you get a smaller answer when you divide a whole number by a decimal?

You may or you may not. If you divided by a decimal number that is greater than 1 then you will get a smaller number whereas if you divide by a number less than 1 then you will get a larger number.

Is 0.4823 smaller than 0.483?

Yes. the number in the 3rd decimal place is smaller so the number is smaller

How do you determine which decimal is larger?

if the decimal number is smaller than the decimal is larger.

How would you write a decimal less than 5 ten thousands?

5 ten thousandths in decimal form is 0.0005 Any decimal number that has three zeros after the decimal point and then a lower number than 5 is smaller. If the number has more than three zeros after the decimal point it is smaller.

Why is a decimal smaller than a whole number?

A decimal number is not always smaller than a whole number. This is a decimal number 2.45 The number on the left of the decimal point shows the whole numbers. The numbers on the right of the point shows the parts/fractions. This number is not a whole number .098 This number is a whole number 2.00 This number has whole numbers and parts/fractions of the whole 2.098

What is the least possible decimal greater than zero?

There is no such thing.Choose any positive decimal - as small as you want. You can always create one that is even smaller, for instance, dividing it by 10 (adding an additional zero after the decimal point). For example, if you choose 0.000001, you can create a smaller decimal if you divide it by ten: 0.0000001. Since it is ALWAYS smaller to create an even smaller positive decimal, it follows that there is no smallest such decimal.