GCD = 39 LCM = 1,755
The GCD is: 1The LCM is: 780
if the gcd and lcm are given and one of the numbers are also given,multiply the gcd and lcm and divide them by the given number
GCD(40, 4900) = 20 LCM(40, 4900) = 9800
The LCM is: 750
The LCM is 750.
GCD: 1 LCM: 525
GCD: 1 LCM: 99
The LCM is 144. The GCF is 6.
The LCM of 250 and 30 is 750.
The LCM of 2 and 9 is =18
The following function will return the GCD or LCM of two arguments (x and y) depending on the value of the fct argument (GCD or LCM). enum FUNC {GCD, LCM}; int gcd_or_lcm(FUNC fct, int x, int y) { int result = 0; switch (fct) { case (GCD): result = gcd (x, y); break; case (LCM): result = lcm (x, y); break; } return result; }