Technically, there is no GREATEST number because you could keep making them up and no one would ever be able to say you were wrong. No one even knows how many zeros are in infinaty because the term itself means never ending.
What is the greatest possible number of 83067 and the least
The greatest possible number is 888... (repeating).
greatest number that can be rounded to 25500 is 25549
The greatest possible 'length' comes from the number with the greatest number of prime factors. The greatest number of factors is created by using the smallest prime number, 2, as a factor as many times as possible. Since 2^9=512 and 2^10=1024, the greatest possible 'length' of a positive integer less than 1000 is 9.
The greatest whole number is 89,999 The greatest real number is 89999.9 recurring (= 90,000)
There is no such number. If N were the greatest even number then N+2 would be a greater even number. So N could not be the greatest even number.
1999 is the greatest possible number which can be rounded off to 2000, which has 1500 as the least.