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LCM = 60.

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Q: What is the least common multiple of two numbers whose sum is twenty-seven and whose difference is 3?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a common multiple and a common factor?

Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

What is the difference between a multiple of two numbers and the least common multiple of two numbers?

All nonzero numbers have multiples. Any two numbers will have an infinite number of multiples in common. The smallest of these is known as the least common multiple, or LCM.

What is the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common multiple?

The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder. The greatest common multiple is infinite.

What is the difference with equations with integers and equations with rational numbers?

It is a trivial difference. If you multiply every term in the equation with rational numbers by the common multiple of all the rational numbers then you will have an equation with integers.

What is the least common multiple of five seven and nine?

There is no such thing as a highest common multiple of numbers, as numbers continue on forever. Note the difference between a Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) and a Highest Common Factor (HCF). The Lowest Common Multiple of 9, 7, and 5 is 315.

How do you get a common multiple?

The easiest way is to multiply the numbers together. The answer won't necessarily be the least common multiple, but it will be a common multiple. The easiest way to get a common multiple is to multiply the numbers together. The result will not necessarily be the least common multiple, but it will be a common multiple.

Is 16 a common multiple?

A common multiple is a multiple that two or more given numbers have in common. 16 is not a common multiple of 7 and 8. 16 is a common multiple of 4 and 8. So, it depends on the numbers for which you are trying to find a common multiple.

What are the two numbers whose difference is 12 and greatest common factor is 12 and least common multiple is 72?

24 and 36

What are the importance of studying the different properties of whole numbers?

To find out the difference between prime numbers and composite numbers because prime numbers are useful in finding the lowest common multiple of numbers or the highest common factor of numbers.

What's the difference between a greatest common factor and a least common multiple?

Difference Between GCF and LCM. The Greatest Common Factor (or the GCF) is the greatest real number shared between two integers. ... On the other hand, the Lowest Common Multiple (or LCM) is the integer shared by two numbers that can be divided by both numbers

Name numbers that least common multiple is the same as its factor?

All numbers with a least common multiple, have that multiple as a factor.

When is the least common multiple one of itself?

The least common multiple is one of the numbers when one of the numbers is a multiple of the other.