The Vinculum, in some countries, is the name given to the horizontal line used to separate the numerator and denominator in a fraction.
The equator.
it means there is no more wars between Canada and USA so they don't need to defend it anymore
0 degrees or the Equator
unit fraction
It is a vinculum
a fraction bar By Hoggyilove animals: A vinculum is what it's called
The line that separates the top number (numerator) from the bottom number (denominator) of a fraction can be called a dividing line - since this is what is happening in the sum itself to calculate the fraction.
If it's a fraction then it's the denominator which divides into the numerator
To divide
fraction bar
The line separating the numerator and denominator when displayed as one number over another is called Vinculum, or sometimes referred to as the fraction bar. If the line is a slanting line (such as in "9/10"), it's referred to as the solidus.
bar line
The line that divides the northern and southern hemisphere is called the Equator.
The imaginary line that divides the Earth into two halves is called the Equator.
Hemispheric line
The imaginary line that divides Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres is called the equator.