yes, 544 is a rational number because the number can be written a over b and b is not equal to 0 and the number does not repeat itself.
Rational number
No. 3 = 3/1 which is of the form a/b (with a & b integers) which is a rational number
A rational number is a number that can be written in the form a/b, where "a" and "b" are integers and b is not equal to zero. For example, whole numbers are rational numbers.
Yes. A rational number is one that you can write as a fraction a/b, with integers a and b (b not equal to zero). For a whole number, set b = 1. For example, 5 = 5/1, so it is a rational number.
yes, 544 is a rational number because the number can be written a over b and b is not equal to 0 and the number does not repeat itself.
rational number
Rational number
No because it is not a over b
yes because you can put it as a over b
from another wikianswers page: say that 'a' is rational, and that 'b' is irrational. assume that a + b equals a rational number, called c. so a + b = c subtract a from both sides. you get b = c - a. but c - a is a rational number subtracted from a rational number, which should equal another rational number. However, b is an irrational number in our equation, so our assumption that a + b equals a rational number must be wrong.
Let `a` be a rational number and `b` be an irrational number,assume that the sum is rational. 1.a +b =c Where a and c are rational and b is irrational. 2.b=c-a Subtracting the same number a from each side. 3.b is irrational c-a is a rational number we arrived at a contradiction. So the sum is an irrational number.
No. 3 = 3/1 which is of the form a/b (with a & b integers) which is a rational number
7.6 is a rational number. Any number that can be expressed as a/b is rational.
A rational number is a number that can be written in the form a/b, where "a" and "b" are integers and b is not equal to zero. For example, whole numbers are rational numbers.
Yes. A rational number is one that you can write as a fraction a/b, with integers a and b (b not equal to zero). For a whole number, set b = 1. For example, 5 = 5/1, so it is a rational number.
A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers in the form A/B where B>0. An irrational number is a real number that is not rational.