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The proof looks fairly complicated; if you want to try to understand it, you can find a discussion and proof (or outline of proof?) here:

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9y ago

Composite numbers can have more than one factor tree. They can have as many factor trees as they have factor pairs minus one. They can't have more than one prime factorization.

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Why can you make several different factor trees for some numbers but only one or two factor trees for other numbers?

Bigger numbers make bigger factor trees, and of course there are prime numbers which cant be factored at all

Why cant you use 1 as a factor in a factor tree?

Factor trees are intended to find prime factors, one isn't prime. The process of factoring is intended to break down the number. Since factoring out one still leaves the original number, it isn't useful.

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you cant take the GCF of one number

What is the factor tree for 37?

37 is a prime number so it cant be broken into a factor tree. its only factors are 37 and 1

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radical 231; no perfect squares factor into this number. It cant be simplified

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293 is a prime number, therefore the prime factorization of it would be 293, you cant do 293x1 because 1 is NOT a prime number therefore you cant do it because it wouldn't b a prime factorization that is your answer

What factor is paired with 7 to give 291?

None. 291 is not divisible by 7 and so you cant have a whole number factor pair with 7

How do you factor 135?

you cant

What is the factor of 16n-9?

you cant factor this any more

Is 4 factor of 8?

no a factor is something smaller than can go into the larger number so 4 is a factor of 8 (it cant be the other way around) 8 is an expansion of 4. this means 4 and another number/s can be multiplied together to result in 8

What is specular id number in Dragon Fable?

you mean sepulchure? lol, you cant, for the simple reason there isn't one.

What is the negative number of Morocco?

its 1 n reason u find it cuz i cant explain ,its 2 long.