mixed fraction is a whole number and a fraction combined. 15 years is 15x12 months or 180 months so we have 15 yrs= 180/12 but 180 divided by 12 can be reduced and made into a mixed fraction. 180/ 12 can be written in many ways as a mixed fraction. 14 and 12/12
It cannot be reduced any further as a fraction. It can be reduced to a mixed number as 115/59
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To find the reduced mixed fraction for 5.04, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. 5.04 is the same as 504/100. Then, we simplify the fraction to its lowest terms, which gives us 126/25. And there you have it, a lovely reduced mixed fraction for 5.04!
0.042 as a reduced fraction is 21/500
As a mixed number it is 67/5 As an un-reduced fraction it is 13 4/10 And as a reduced fraction it is 13 2/5
3.588 = 897/250
134% as a reduced, improper fraction is 67/50134% as a mixed number is 117/50
decimal fraction and the reduced mixed fraction for 9.4? 47/5; 9 2/59.4 * 10/10 = 94/10 or 47/5 in decimal fraction9.4 = 9 + 4/10 = 9 4/10 or 9 2/5 in mixed fraction