True AND False OR True evaluates to True.
IT seems like it does not matter which is evaluated first as:
(True AND False) OR True = False OR True = True
True AND (False OR True) = True AND True = True
But, it does matter as with False AND False OR True:
(False AND False) OR True = False OR True = True
False AND (False OR True) = False AND True = False
and True OR False AND False:
(True OR False) AND False = True AND False = False
True OR (False AND False) = True OR False = True
Evaluated left to right gives a different answer if the operators are reversed (as can be seen above), so AND and OR need an order of evaluation. AND can be replaced by multiply, OR by add, and BODMAS says multiply is evaluated before add; thus AND should be evaluated before OR - the C Programming language follows this convention.
This makes the original question:
True AND False OR True = (True AND False) OR True = False OR True = True
That's the boolean "or" operator. It calculates a result based on two boolean values. The result is false if both starting values are false; in all other cases, the result is true.
zero= false, non-zero=true
False its not possible to convert all heat into work as some of its being used as energy APEX
True. The result is 7,031.
False. It is homogeneous
Type your answer hereanaerobic exercises will result in extreme hypertrophy of muscle tissue? true or false
AND,OR,NOT AND(&&): if both statements are true, result is also true,else false OR():either one statement must be true for result to be true NOT(!):opposite/reverse of i/p Example: int i=5; if(i==5&&i>3) printf("true"); here 5==5 and greater than 3 also;result is true NOT: int i=0; if(!i==1) printf("true"); here NOT(1) is 0 same as NOT(TRUE)=FALSE NOT(0) is 1 same as NOT(FALSE)=TRUE