The conversion of kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance. For water, 1 kilogram is equivalent to 1 liter, as the density of water is 1 g/cmΒ³. For other substances, you need to know the density to convert kilograms to liters accurately.
One kilogram of water is equivalent to one liter. However, for other substances, the conversion from kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance.
A kilogram is a measure of weight. A gallon is a measure of liquid volume. You cannot convert one to the other. You can, however, convert gallons to liters. 9 gallons is equal to 34.06871 liters. Actually a kilogram is a measure of mass. A kilogram at sea-level weighs 9.8 Newtons. Also at sea level a kilogram has a weight of 2.2 pounds.
A mass of one kilogram weighs one kilogram on Earth, as weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity.
No, an eraser typically weighs less than one kilogram. The weight of an eraser is usually measured in grams, not kilograms.
Kg is weight Liter is volume. It takes one liter of water to get one kilo of weight. Other substances will be different.
The conversion of kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance. For water, 1 kilogram is equivalent to 1 liter, as the density of water is 1 g/cmΒ³. For other substances, you need to know the density to convert kilograms to liters accurately.
One kilogram of water is equivalent to one liter. However, for other substances, the conversion from kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance.
There are 120 liters in 120 kg of lime. The conversion of liters to kilogram is one is to one.
A kilogram is a measure of weight. A gallon is a measure of liquid volume. You cannot convert one to the other. You can, however, convert gallons to liters. 9 gallons is equal to 34.06871 liters. Actually a kilogram is a measure of mass. A kilogram at sea-level weighs 9.8 Newtons. Also at sea level a kilogram has a weight of 2.2 pounds.
one kilogram is one kilogram.
1 kilogram
Both are equal Depends if they weigh 1 kilogram where they are or one kilogram compared to Earth's gravitational pull. ~The kilogram technically does not measure weight, it measures mass. If all the items you mention have the same mass then the densest material (iron) has the greatest weight because it displaces the least volume of air. A balloon filled with one kilogram (around 5600 liters) of helium will float in the air. If you want to measure weight, the proper unit is the Newton.
A kilogram is weight, not length.
One kilogram is equal to about 2.2 pounds.
Two pounds is not one kilogram. One kilogram is actually equal to 2.2 pounds. To convert weight from pounds to kilograms, divide weight by 2.2 and the answer is the weight in kilograms.
One kilogram of gold weighs exactly one kilogram. It is a standard unit of measure for the weight of gold.