H, A, V, and E have line of symmetry
None, since the letter "e" does not have any symmetry.
Only the I has a horizontal line of symmetry. Visualize folding PIZZA in half through the letters. Only the I would fold down perfectly on top of itself, so it has a horizontal line of symmetry.
5 letters: HOUTO are vertically symmetrice. 2 (S and N) are not.
There is no such word as a "hepticgon". A heptagon can have 0, 1 or 7 lines of symmetry.
H, A, V, and E have line of symmetry
None, since the letter "e" does not have any symmetry.
No. DAY is a word typed in upper case letters. It is not a line - whether of symmetry or otherwise.
khamphadisan.com - What is the fourth letter in the word Apple?
The circle had infinite lines of symmetry.
Icebox, decided
If an object is symmetrical, it means that both sides are equal in size. In the word WHISPER, the letter H and the letter W both have symmetrical sides.
Only the I has a horizontal line of symmetry. Visualize folding PIZZA in half through the letters. Only the I would fold down perfectly on top of itself, so it has a horizontal line of symmetry.
No, it does not. If you draw a horizontal line through it ("deed") you won't see the symmetry. But if you make "DEED" by capitalizing the letters, yes it will. Draw a line left to right through the middle of the letters and you have a line of horizontal symmetry.