it is nine million nine hundred thousand
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
Nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine
thirty one thousand twenty nine hundred. twenty nine hundred is equal to two thousand nine hundred so 31 thousand+ 2900 =33900
Nine hundred and ninety-nine is 999 Nine thousand is 9,000
it is nine million nine hundred thousand
Nine thousand five hundred means the same as 95 hundred.
9900 this is nine thousand nine hundred. BY....MR.N.KARTHIK
9,900 (nine thousand nine hundred)
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
To write 309,099,990, you would start with the digit 3 in the hundred millions place, followed by 0 in the ten millions place, 9 in the millions place, a comma to separate the millions and hundred thousands places, then 9 in the hundred thousands place, 9 in the ten thousands place, 9 in the thousands place, another comma to separate the thousands and hundreds places, 9 in the hundreds place, 9 in the tens place, and 0 in the ones place.
Nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine
um, one hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine.
thirty one thousand twenty nine hundred. twenty nine hundred is equal to two thousand nine hundred so 31 thousand+ 2900 =33900
Nine hundred and ninety-nine is 999 Nine thousand is 9,000
One Hundred Thirty Thousand, Nine Hundred Eleven.
nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine