It is 23.
There are no two consecutive integers which sum to make 48. The closest you can get is if you drop the integer part of the problem and state simply that they have to have a difference of 1 between them. In which case it would be 23.5 and 24.5.
48 minus 32 is 16.
5/8 - 6/5 = 25/40 - 48/40 = -23/40 = -(23/40)
It is 23.
115 + 67 - 48 = 134
71/2 − 23/16 = 235/48 or 443/48
There are no two consecutive integers which sum to make 48. The closest you can get is if you drop the integer part of the problem and state simply that they have to have a difference of 1 between them. In which case it would be 23.5 and 24.5.
48 minus 1.4 is 46.6
48 minus 32 is 16.
56 minus -48 is 104.
5/8 - 6/5 = 25/40 - 48/40 = -23/40 = -(23/40)
48% of 48 is 23
The two largest integers when multiplied together is 48 are 6 and 8. To get the single highest integer when multiplying it would be 1 and 48.