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Are you serious?? Lol wow.

32359, 20000, 19000, 18000, 17000, 16000, 15000, 14000, 13000, 89

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Q: When you placed 10 different numbers in order the highest was 32359 and the lowest was 89 There is at least a difference of 100 between any 2 numbers What could the listing of numbers be?
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When you placed 10 different numbers in order the highest was 32359 and the lowest was 98 There is at least a difference between 100 any 2 numbers What could the listing of numbers be?

It could be just about anything. For example, starting with the lowest number, add 100 at a time (or a number slightly larger than 100) to get the following numbers.

What is the difference between listing the factors of a number and lising the multiples of a number?

The factor list will be finite, the multiple list will be infinite.

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By this question, I assume that you are referring to the "Old" Catholics as those who attend the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (The Latin Mass) and the "New" Catholics as those who attend the Ordinary form of the Mass (Mass in the vernacular). The difference is nil, as both are Catholics in communion with Rome and Celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist in different ways.The link below has a more extensive listing of the difference should you want to know more.