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late 16th century: via Latin hypotenusa from Greek hupoteinousa (grammē)'subtending (line),' from the verb hupoteinein (from hupo 'under' + teinein 'stretch').

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6y ago

The word comes from the Greek hypo = under and teinousa, the present participle of the verb teinein = to stretch.

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Q: Where does the word hypotenuse come from?
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There are no perfect rhymes for the word hypotenuse.

What is the plural word for hypotenuse?

The plural of hypotenuse is hypotenuses.

What is a hypotenuse?

A hypotenuse is the long side of a right triange.

A math word that starts with H?

Hexagon, hypotenuse, and height.

How do you spell hypotnus?

The word referring to the long side of a triangle is called the hypotenuse.

What is the definition for the math word Hypotenuse?

The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.

What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle that has legs with lenghts of 5 and 4?

It's 6,40312. 4²+5²= hypotenuse ² 16+25=hypotenuse ² 41=hypotenuse ² |√ 6,40312=hypotenuse

What is a 9 letter word for any side of a triangle?

A ten-letter word for the side of a triangle is hypotenuse... Don't know if this helped (:

What math word starts with h?

Hypotenuse, Heptagon(al), Hexagon(al), Hectogram, Height.

What is a math word that starts with the letter h?

Hypotenuse- the slanted/ longest side of a right triangle

Why why is hypotenuse called a hypotenuse?

The word comes from the Latin hypotēnūsa, which comes from the Greek hupoteinousa, from the feminine present participle of hupoteinein, meaning 'to stretch or extend under' : hupo-, hypo- + teinein, 'to stretch'.

What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle that has a base of 5 inches and a height 12 inches?

Hypotenuse^2 = base^2 + height^2, substitute the given values Hypotenuse^2 = 5^2 + 12^2 Hypotenuse^2 = 25 + 144 Hypotenuse^2 = 169 Hypotenuse = √169 Hypotenuse = 13 Thus, the hypotenuse is 13 inches.