They both have the same numerator.
When the fractions are converted to equivalent fractions with the same denominator the one with the larger numerator is the larger fraction.
improper fraction
Proper fraction
They both have the same numerator.
Yes. In a fraction, such as 3/4 (three quarters) the 3 is the numerator - telling how many, and the 4 is the denominator - telling how many of what. 3/4 is three (how many) 4 (quarters) of what. It is perfectly acceptable to express a number as, for example 5/4, which means five quarters, which is the same as one and one quarter, or 1 and 1/4.
yes. if the numerator is larger than the denominator it is an IMPROPER fraction.
the numerator
No, a proper fraction has a numerator smaller than the denominator.
proper fraction
When the fractions are converted to equivalent fractions with the same denominator the one with the larger numerator is the larger fraction.
An improper fraction.
improper fraction
improper fraction
Proper fraction