A car is typically measured in meters, which is a unit of length. Four meters is a more common measurement for the size of a car. Four kilometers would be a much larger distance, typically used for measuring longer distances such as road trips or races.
A common metric unit used to measure the length of a ship is meters (m). This unit provides a standard measure that is easily understood and conveyed in the maritime industry.
4 metres is the only sensible estimate.
The metric measurement that is the best estimate for the length of a car is typically in meters or centimeters. This allows for a more precise measurement compared to using larger units such as kilometers.
Kilometer would be the best unit to measure the length of a car, as the length of a typical car is usually in the range of a few meters, making meters too small a unit for practical measurement.
A car is typically measured in meters, which is a unit of length. Four meters is a more common measurement for the size of a car. Four kilometers would be a much larger distance, typically used for measuring longer distances such as road trips or races.
4 metres
4 meters
what unit of measure is used when measuring a car
A common metric unit used to measure the length of a ship is meters (m). This unit provides a standard measure that is easily understood and conveyed in the maritime industry.
About 5 meters (16.4 feet) would be a good estimate of a car length. That's the approximate length of a large family car.
4 metres is the only sensible estimate.
80,000 kilo meters
The metric measurement that is the best estimate for the length of a car is typically in meters or centimeters. This allows for a more precise measurement compared to using larger units such as kilometers.
The speed of a car would be in kilometres/hour, the length would be in metres. +++ NB: IN Britain, despite almost all other legal technical and commercial measurements being metric or SI, the Statute Mile and Yard remain the only legal road-measurement units.