To convert 24.5 percent to a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100. So, 24.5 percent as a decimal is 0.245. This is because percent means "per hundred," so 24.5 percent is equivalent to 24.5 per 100, which is 0.245 in decimal form.
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100: 2.45 x 100 = 245%
First, you WRITE it, not RIGHT it. 245 hundredths = 2.45
To write 15.5 percent as a decimal, you divide the percent value by 100. So, 15.5 percent as a decimal is 0.155.
15.7 percent as a decimal is .157.
Decimal 21.0=21 percent 2100
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100: 2.45 x 100 = 245%
First, you WRITE it, not RIGHT it. 245 hundredths = 2.45
Divide it by 100 and so 245/100 = 2.45
245% = 49/20
2.45% = 0.0245
It is: 245/300 times 100 = 81.67% rounded to two decimal places
56% = 0.56
To write 15.5 percent as a decimal, you divide the percent value by 100. So, 15.5 percent as a decimal is 0.155.
Well how you write 4 percent as a decimal is 0.04
15.7 percent as a decimal is .157.
95 percent is 0.95 as a decimal.
Decimal 21.0=21 percent 2100