24.5 is neither an even nor an odd number as it is a decimal number. Even and odd numbers are specific to whole numbers. In the case of decimals, we typically refer to them as either terminating (like 24.5) or non-terminating. In this case, 24.5 is a terminating decimal as it ends, but it is not classified as even or odd.
Well, honey, 24.5 is neither even nor odd because it's a decimal number. Even and odd numbers are for whole integers, not for numbers with a decimal point strutting their stuff. So, keep on truckin' with your math questions, but let's leave those decimals out of the even-odd drama, shall we?
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
No. Sum of odd + odd = even Sum of odd + even = odd Sum of even + even = even
no, it is not an even number.......
The difference of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
An even number can be a multiple of an odd number OR an even number. An odd number cannot be a multiple of an even number.
an odd numberSubtracting an odd number from an even number will always result in an odd number.
If the last number is odd or even then the whole number is odd or even, in this case the last number is 3 which is an odd number, therefore the whole number is odd.
Always odd.
Because the second number from an odd number is odd, and every other number is an odd number. In fact, if you add or subtract an even number with any number, the result keeps the same parity as the other number. So an odd number minus an even number is odd, while an even number minus and even number is even.