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Pythagoreanism is a term used for the religious and metaphysical beliefs held by Pythagoras and his followers. It was strongly influenced by mathematics and probably an important inspiration for Plato and platonism. The Pythagoreans were philosophers who believed that all things are essentially numeric, but Pythagorean thought was also profoundly mystical.

Most scholars believe that the Pythagorean idea of the transmigration of the soul is too central to have been added by a later follower of Pythagoras. The notion of transmigration of souls is probably why Pythagoreans were strict vegetarians.

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Pythagoras founded a religious and philosophical community in Croton, known as the Pythagorean sect. They believed in the concept of metempsychosis (reincarnation), the sacredness of numbers, and the pursuit of spiritual purification through mathematics and ethics. The group also followed a strict set of rules and rituals.

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Who were the pythagoreans?

The Pythagoreans were a philosophical-religious group that was generally well-known and respected in the ancient world. As followers of the exalted ancient figure, Pythagoras, Pythagoreans were serious students of mathematics and fervently religious, as well, although details of their particular beliefs and practices have not been preserved in the historical record.

What were Pythagoras' followers called?

Pythagoras' followers were known as Pythagoreans or Pythagoreans. They were a group of individuals who embraced his teachings on mathematics, philosophy, and way of life.

What is a religious group?

A religious group can be called a sect. A religious group can also be called a congregation when all attend the same church. A religious group might have more than one sect, or group of individuals, like the Amish.