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measureing tape lol

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Q: What tool is used to measure a turtle's shell?
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magnify glass
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What tool is used in DMAIC measure phase?

A Pareto chart is the tool used in the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) measure phase.

What tool is used in the DMAIC measure phase?

A Pareto chart is the tool used in the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) measure phase.

What tool is used in measuring height?

This depends on what you are measuring. A tool that can be used is a tape measure.

What tool is used to measure curved surfaces?

Tape measure

What is a turtles shell used for?

to protect it of course. this stops the actuall animal from being hurt.

What is the measuring tool length?

The answer depends on what characteristic the tool is used to measure.

Are turtles born with their shell?

Yes, turtles are born with their shells. The shell is actually part of their skeletal structure and is made of bone and keratin. It protects their internal organs and provides structural support.

Which tool is used in standard improvement model of dmaic measure phrase?

A Pareto chart is the tool used in the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) measure phase.

What tool is used measure weight?


What is the tool used to measure area?

the tool used to measure a area is a tape measure

Is a scoring tool used to measure a students ability to complete a specific task or assignment.?

If scoring tool is versatile to measure many different aspects concerned then scoring tool is a measure of ability.