Total Area: 84,068 square miles (217,736 square kilometers - the 12th largest state)
Montana has approximately 71,000 miles of public roads.
Minnesota has 10 electors in the Electoral College.
As of the latest available data, there are approximately 390,000 Latinos in Minnesota, representing about 7% of the state's population. Minnesota has seen an increase in its Latino population over the past decade.
Brazil is a country, not a distance. It is the largest country in South America and covers roughly 3.3 million square miles.
Jerusalem covers approximately 48 square miles, which is equivalent to around 30,720 acres.
Massachusetts would fit into Minnesota 8 times. Massachusetts has total area of 10,565 square miles. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles.
58.4 square miles.
86,939 square miles
square miles
Minnesota, USA - 79,639.8 square miles of landarea and a total area of 86,943 square miles.
Switzerland: 15'940 square miles Minnesota: 87'014 square miles Five-and-a-half Switzerlands would fit inside Minnesota.
Hennepin County, Minnesota is 606 square miles.
Minnesota has 84,397 square miles. North Dakota has 70,704 square miles. South Dakota has 77,122 square miles. Total square miles for all three US states is: 232,223 square miles.
Minnesota has an area of 86,943 sq miles (225,181 km²).
The approximate distance from Seattle WA to the Minnesota state line by road is 1,425 miles.
Alabama is 52,419 square miles.