Maryland has a total area of about 12,407 square miles, making it one of the smallest states in the United States.
Chile - 292,259.91 square miles.
With a total area of 35,645 square miles [92,090 square kilometers], Portugal is ranked 110th in size. It's larger than Jordan, ranked 111th, with 34,495 square miles [89,342 square kilometers]. It's smaller than Hungary, ranked 109th, with 35,918 square miles [93,028 square kilometers].
The square mileage of Allen County, Indiana is approximately 660 square miles.
Puerto Rico is bigger in terms of total land area compared to New Jersey. Puerto Rico is approximately 3,515 square miles in size, while New Jersey is about 8,723 square miles in size.
Total area for Iowa is 56,275 square miles. Land area is 55,965 square miles and inland waster is 310 square miles.
Kenya is approximately 224,081 square miles in size.
Pembrokeshire is approximately 629 square miles in size.
The size of Birmingham is 151.9 square miles.
Wisconsin is approximately 65,496 square miles in size.
65,755 square miles
35,603 square miles
998,6 square miles
2,000 square miles.
121 square miles.
42,114 square miles
The size of New Brunswick in Square Miles is 28,150m2.