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The price of the padding depends on your market and where you live. Also, it varies in thickness and density. For example in Minnesota our pricing starts at $.30 sq ft ($2.70 a yard) up to $.60 sq ft ($5.40 a yard).

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16y ago
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13y ago

the prices of carpet vary a lot.

the cheapest carpet I've ever seen was $3/ sq y but it can go to $100+ /sq y

so the cost is $72 to $2400+

for such a small space you can sometimes pick up good cut offs quite cheap bout $5/sq y

so you could carpet the floor for under $100

have a chat with the dealer and see what they have.

hope that helps

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13y ago

20 x 20 feet equals 400 sq feet

divide the answer by 3 (3 ' in a yard)

multiply answer by the cost of carpet per sq yard.

If carpet is $5 per sq yard, then price will be around


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