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Least Squares method

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Q: A procedure used for finding the equation of a straight line that provides the best approximation for the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is the?
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What is a mathematical procedure that predicts the dependent variable on the basis of knowledge known about independent variables?

regression analysis

What are the definition between indeoendent and dependent variables?

The independent variable determines the value of other variables and is change by the person doing the experiment. The dependent variable is what is affected by the independent variable; it "depends" on the independent variable.

Regression analysis is a statistical procedure for developing a mathematical equation that describes how?

one dependent and one or more independent variables are related.

What needs to be on a science fair project?

Hypotheseis Procedure Materials Problem Question controls Independent variable Dependent variable Data Graphs Conclusion

What are the dependent and independent variables in a fruit and nut chocolate bar?

Your question isn't valid because you need an experimental procedure in place before you determine the variables.

How do you calculate roots?

The roots of an equation in two variables is calculated by setting the dependent variable, y, equal to 0 and then solving the resulting equation for the independent variable, x. The procedure for solving the equation in x will depend on the nature of the equation.

How do you choose the most appropriate statistical procedure?

To choose the appropriate statistical test, the following four question must be answered; What are your dependent and independent variables? What is scale of measurement of the variables? How many groups/samples are there in the study? Have I have met the assumptions of the statistical test?

How do you write a conclusion in science fair?

Summarize your science fair project results in a few sentences and use this summary to support your conclusion. Include key facts from your background research to help explain your results as needed.State whether your results support or contradict your hypothesis. (Engineering & programming projects should state whether they met their design criteria.)If appropriate, state the relationship between the independent and dependent variable.Summarize and evaluate your experimental procedure, making comments about its success and effectiveness.Suggest changes in the experimental procedure (or design) and/or possibilities for further study.

Why is it important to use a controlled experimentTHIS IS FOR APEX LEARNING?

Scientists use controlled experiments because they allow for precise control of extraneous and independent variables. This allows a cause-and-effect relationship to be established. Controlled experiments also follow a standardized step-by-step procedure.

Facts to tell a guy about yourself?

It depends on the type of relationship you have with him and the type of relationship you want to have with him. At any rate you should probably worry about being the best person that you can be instead of procedure-alizing how to have a relationship.

Why would a scientist need to identify variables?

Variables are the basis of a scientific experiment. When the scientist is carrying out his procedure, he is actually altering a variable, called the independent variable. Unless he just likes playing with chemicals, he is likely attempting to get a result, and he does this by using measurements of the dependent variable, which has changed because of the manipulation of the independent variable. Identifying the variables becomes very important when formulating more complicated studies, and becomes the bread and butter of psychological experiments.

What do scientists test?

if your referring to the scientific method, scientists test the dependent variable