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one dependent and one or more independent variables are related.

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Q: Regression analysis is a statistical procedure for developing a mathematical equation that describes how?
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Which statements accurately describes the measures of central tendency?

"Measures of central tendency are statistical measures." is an accurate statement.

What is Definition of linear regression and correlation in statistics?

Whenever you are given a series of data points, you make a linear regression by estimating a line that comes as close to running through the points as possible. To maximize the accuracy of this line, it is constructed as a Least Square Regression Line (LSRL for short). The regression is the difference between the actual y value of a data point and the y value predicted by your line, and the LSRL minimizes the sum of all the squares of your regression on the line. A Correlation is a number between -1 and 1 that indicates how well a straight line represents a series of points. A value greater than one means it shows a positive slope; a value less than one, a negative slope. The farther away the correlation is from 0, the less accurately a straight line describes the data.

What does the measure of central tendency describe in a data set?

It describes the "middle" of the data set.It describes the "middle" of the data set.It describes the "middle" of the data set.It describes the "middle" of the data set.

What is a z-score?

z score is defined as z = (x-mean)/sd, where mean is the mean of the sample (or population) and sd is the standard deviation of the sample or the population. x is the raw score. z-score standardizes the data. The standardized data will have a zero mean and unit variance. It has numerous applications in statistics.

What does standard deviation describes?

Standard deviation describes the spread of a distribution around its mean.

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What is model mathematically?

Creating an abstract system of equations which describes (and helps reasoning about) a real life system.

What term describes a drop in seaward movement of the shoreline?


What is a measure of the explanatory power of the regression model?

Regression analysis describes the relationship between two or more variables. The measure of the explanatory power of the regression model is R2 (i.e. coefficient of determination).

What term describes a drop in sea level and the resulting movement or the shoreline?


What terms describes a drop in sea level and the resulting seaward movement of the shoreline?


What term describes a drop in sea level and the resulting seaward movement of the shoreline?


Which describes regression?

Regression means to decline back to the original state. For example, people with Alzheimer's will regress to a state where they basically must be monitored like young children.

Which term describes a drop in sea level and the resulting seaward movement of the shoreline?

Marine regression describes a drop in sea level and the resulting seaward movement of the shoreline. This process often leaves behind evidence of former coastal environments.

What is statistical treatment in a research paper?

this part describes the statistical tools used in the research and the reason of the researcher in using such tools.

What foreign word describes the point at which something stops developing?

Which foreign word from the above passage describes the point at which something stops developing?

What is a statistical measurement that describes the variation of a data set called?

Standard Deviation

What is multiple regression?

Statistical analysis that describes the changes in a dependent variable, such as sunglass sales volumes, associated with changes in one or more independent variables, such as the average age of the residents of a market area. For example, a multiple-regression analysis might reveal a positive relationship between demand for sunglasses and various demographic characteristics (age, income) of the buyers-that is, demand varies directly with changes in their characteristics. Multiple regression thereby helps marketers to identify their best prospects.For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section ( indicated below.