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The correct answer is 1/2. The first two flips do not affect the likelihood that the third flip will be heads (that is, the coin has no "memory" of the previous flips). If you flipped it 100 times and it came up heads each time, the probability of heads on the 101st try would still be 1/2. (Although, if you flipped it 100 times and it came up heads all 100 times - the odds of which are 2^100, or roughly 1 in 1,267,650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - you should begin to wonder about whether it's a fair coin!). If you were instead asking "What is the probability of flipping a coin three times and having it land on "heads" all three times, then the answer is 1/8.

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Q: Arnold flipped a coin twice and it landed heads up both times If he flips the coin again What is the probability the coin will land heads up?
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What is the probability of drawing two hearts from a standard pack of cards is 3 divided 51 what is the probability that the two cards drawn are not both hearts?

The probability of drawing a heart from a fair deck is 1 in 4. If the card is replaced then the probability is again 1 in 4. The probability of drawing a card other than a heart is 3 in 4. Once again if the card is replaced then the probability remains 3 in 4

How does probability work?

Probability is the likelihood something will happen as opposed to another factor. If you were to toss a coin, the probability of it landing on heads is 1/2. If you toss it again, the probability of getting tails is 1/2.Sometimes one result can affect the next one, other times it cannot,The result affects the next if: You have 3 red marbles and 3 blue. You pull out a blue one and do not replace it. It affects is as it could not be chosen again so the probability of another blue goes down 1, as well as the mail number.It would not if: You do the same as above, but DO replace the removed marble. This is because it can be chosen again, and the Probability and the overall amount stays the same.

What is the probability of getting tails twice in a row?

The probability of tossing a coin twice and getting tails both times is 1 in 4, or 25%. If you have already tossed a coin and had it land on tails, the probability that it will land on tails again the next time you toss it is 50%.

What is the probability of drawing a black card from a 52 card deck and flipping heads on a coin?

Half the cards in a standard pack are black. Therefore the probability of drawing a black card is 1/2. Half the sides of a coin are "heads" so again the probability is 1/2. Therefore the probability you will both draw a black card and flip heads = 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4.

If you select two cards from a deck of 52 cards what is the probability that the first card is an 6 of diamaond and the second card is an 3 of hearts?

First off, how do I calculate the probability that any one event occurs. The answer is equal to: Number of Possible Chances of Success / Total Number of Chances In this case, the number of possible chances of success is one (there is only one 6 of Diamonds in any deck of cards). The total number of chances equal 52 (there are 52 cards to choose from). Therefore the probability of picking a 6 of Diamonds on the first card is 1/52 or .019. In order to calculate the probability that the first card is a 6 of Diamonds AND the second card is a 3 of Hearts, you multiply the two probabilities. Prob. of 1st Card 6D AND 2nd Card 3H = Prob. 1st Card 6D * Prob. 2nd Card 3H We already know the probability of getting a 6 of Diamonds on the first card is 1/52 or .019. To calculate the probability of getting a 3 of Hearts on the second card, it is important to remember that random occurances do not affect the probability of other random occurrances. What I mean is, if I were to draw a 6 of Diamonds from a deck of cards and then replace it, the probability that I would pick a 6 of Diamonds again is the same as it was the first time. Even if I flip a coin 5 times in a row and they all landed on heads, the probability that I would flip another heads is still 50/50. So basically we can ignore what happened on the first draw, and jsut calculate the probability of getting a 3 of Hearts. Again we use our probability formula: Number of Possible Chances of Success / Total Number of Chances In this case, the number of possible chances of success is one (there is only one 3 of Hearts in any deck of cards). The total number of chances equal 52 (THIS ASSUMES THAT WE PUT THE 6 OF DIAMONDS BACK INTO THE DECK AFTER THE FIRST DRAW IF NOT THE NUMBER OF CHANCES IS 51). Therefore the probability of picking a 3 of Hearts on the second card is 1/52 or .019. Multiply the two probabilities together to get the probability of both occurring: 1/52 * 1/52 = 1/2704 = .00037 (or a .037 percent of a chance)

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What is the probability of drawing two hearts from a standard pack of cards is 3 divided 51 what is the probability that the two cards drawn are not both hearts?

The probability of drawing a heart from a fair deck is 1 in 4. If the card is replaced then the probability is again 1 in 4. The probability of drawing a card other than a heart is 3 in 4. Once again if the card is replaced then the probability remains 3 in 4

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What is an example of experimental probability?

add me at to learn all about math please add me for help Experimental Probability: The number of times the outcome occurs compared to the total number of trials. example: number of favorable outcomes over total number of trials. Amelynn is flipping a coin. She finished the task one time, then did it again. Here are her results: heads: three times and tails: seven times. What is the experimental probability of the coin landing on heads? Answer: 3/10 Explanation: Amelynn flipped the coin a total of 10 times, getting heads 3 times. Therefore, the answer is: 3/10.

How does probability work?

Probability is the likelihood something will happen as opposed to another factor. If you were to toss a coin, the probability of it landing on heads is 1/2. If you toss it again, the probability of getting tails is 1/2.Sometimes one result can affect the next one, other times it cannot,The result affects the next if: You have 3 red marbles and 3 blue. You pull out a blue one and do not replace it. It affects is as it could not be chosen again so the probability of another blue goes down 1, as well as the mail number.It would not if: You do the same as above, but DO replace the removed marble. This is because it can be chosen again, and the Probability and the overall amount stays the same.

I have a Red sox baseball themed Rubik's Cube that I can't solve but i can solve a regular one and I solved the baseball one the same way but there is always one flipped centercube?

When you're trying to solve the cross make sure one of the centers are flipped solve it til the Last Step. There is a solve side so the one opposite side should be placed on the flipped center and then use the last move and if there's still a flipped center mix it up ang try again