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Q: Can a dissertation be done only on secondary data?
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What advantages of primary data?

Primary data is very advantageous over secondary data in several types of ways. First of all, it is the actual thing, or the whole thing, depending on what primary data you are talking about. Primary data in the form of architecture is obviously much preferable over secondary data such as pictures, because it is there in front of you, and can be examined by your senses, not only seen by your eyes. Obviously secondary data also has advantages, such as being easier to obtain than primary data, but primary data is still a good way to obtain information.

What are the disadvantages of secondary storage devices?

Well for mac you can only back up your data when you have a secondary storage hard drive, for windows it gives you more space to download and to use it, basic

What is storage in computer science?

storage refers to the keeping of data and information for later. in computer science there are two types of storage that is primary storage and secondary storage in primary storage data is kept temporary in ROM(read only memory) while in secondary storage data is kept permanently like on hard disk, tape, cds.

What is a sentence for secondary source?

It is a good idea to confirm your data with a secondary source.

Why are dissertations so important?

Dissertation is essential for many reasons; first and foremost, they offer students an opportunity to develop their knowledge and show their ability to understand. A dissertation requires extensive research and understanding, thus adding up the skills. From per academic point of view, dissertations play a vital role; whether you will get your degree or not depends on your dissertation. Not only will the dissertation help, but it must also be perfect to get selected. If you cannot do a quality dissertation, you better get dissertation writing help from sites like HomeOfDissertations and ResearchMyAssignment.

What do I do after failing a dissertation?

No matter for whatever reason you have failed your dissertation. Your university will give you the opportunity to resit your dissertation only if you try your hardest to note that different universities have different working policies, so work hard to achieve your desired grades. And to avoid such problems it is better suggested to use well-reputed dissertation services like HomeofDissertations, ResearchmyAssignment, and LiveWebTutors.

What problems of secondary data quality must researchers face?

Researchers who use secondary sources must make their best efforts to verify the accuracy of the information. For example, a researcher who cites a newspaper article about a court hearing should dig further to verify the information. To do this they may need to get transcripts of the court hearing. It may not always be easy to verify secondary data in research, but every effort must be made in order to prove the credibility of the sources being used in any research. Researchers must also determine the value of secondary sources at times. If no primary sources are available a researcher must use secondary sources. In order to use credible secondary sources and retrieve honest and accurate information a researcher must validate the sources by evaluating them thoroughly. To evaluate secondary sources a researcher must consider the purpose, scope, authority, and audience that the information is based on (Cooper & Schindler, 2006, Ch. 7). Determining these factors will help a researcher choose secondary sources that have strong value. Secondary data is a source that many researchers will have to use at times. Using secondary data as the only available resource can cause problems of verification and credibility. This makes a researcher's job harder. Although the use of secondary resources can bring extra work, it must be done at times. For a researcher to get past the problems of credibility presented by secondary resources a researcher must take steps to verify secondary sources. A researcher must also make well thought out judgments on secondary resources if they want their research to appear credible and valid. Understanding the problems with secondary research data is the first step in determining how to deal with these problems.

What are the two sources of data?

First, there is pre-existing data that is harvested through the research of existing topics, and second, there is new information that is obtained only through the performance of new experiments.

What does abd stand for?

ABD generally refers to "All But Dissertation" a status bestowed upon candidates for a doctoral degree after they have completed all coursework and comprehensive examinations and only have the dissertation left to write.

What is ad-hoc parallel data processing?

The ad-hoc parallel data processing is data are formed,arranged or done dynamic or parallel processing for a particular purpose only is called in a ad-hoc parallel data processing.

What is the basic difference between primary and secondary data?

Primary & Secondary Data - What's The Difference?Primary research entails the use of immediate data in determining the survival of the market. The popular ways to collect primary data consist of surveys, interviews and focus groups, which shows that direct relationship between potential customers and the companies. Whereas secondary research is a means to reprocess and reuse collected information as an indication for betterments of the service or product. Both primary and secondary data are useful for businesses but both may differ from each other in various aspects.In secondary data, information relates to a past period. Hence, it lacks aptness and therefore, it has unsatisfactory value. Primary data is more accommodating as it shows latest information.Secondary data is obtained from some other organization than the one instantaneously interested with current research project. Secondary data was collected and analyzed by the organization to convene the requirements of various research objectives. Primary data is accumulated by the researcher particularly to meet up the research objective of the subsisting project.Secondary data though old may be the only possible source of the desired data on the subjects, which cannot have primary data at all. For example, survey reports or secret records already collected by a business group can offer information that cannot be obtained from original sources.Firm in which secondary data are accumulated and delivered may not accommodate the exact needs and particular requirements of the current research study. Many a time, alteration or modifications to the exact needs of the investigator may not be sufficient. To that amount usefulness of secondary data will be lost. Primary data is completely tailor-made and there is no problem of adjustments.Secondary data is available effortlessly, rapidly and inexpensively. Primary data takes a lot of time and the unit cost of such data is relatively high.

What are the disadvantage of primary storage?

Well for mac you can only back up your data when you have a secondary storage hard drive, for windows it gives you more space to download and to use it, basic