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data is a collection of raw facts

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Q: DATA is a collection of raw facts means what?
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What is raw facts or statistics?

Data is considered to be raw facts or statistics. Data is raw and unorganized facts. Raw data is also called primary data.

What does the term data means?

raw facts and figures boyak :L raw facts and figures boyak :L

Can data be regarded as an information?

For layman yes. For a computer literate person, data means untreated/raw facts. Information means organized and processed facts. Information is also referred as to 'organized data'. In simpler terms, data is the raw facts input to the computer while information is the refined and processes facts output.

How data becomes information after processing?

Data being a raw collection of facts turn into Information after processing. This processing involves what can be regarded as organization of data into interpretable format

What are Raw facts that are input into a computer system are referred to as?

the raw facts given to the comuter are called data

What is data and information and knowledge?

DATA:The collection of raw facts and figures is called data.INFORMATION:The data after processing is called information.

Diffrent data and information?

data is collection of raw figures and factors.when data is processed known as information.

Raw facts and figures in computer is called?


What is the difference between row data and information?

I would say "raw data" is a collection of observations from experiments and "information" is the conclusion derived from that raw data after it has been analyzed.

What is the raw unorganized facts?

it might be database im not sure check google

The raw facts and figures that are entered into a computer system are called?


What transformation do data undergo during processing?

When data are processed, they are transformed from raw facts into meaningful information.