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Yes it is. Discrete data is something that's set. Like say you were making a line graph about renting bikes. You can only rent whole bikes there is nothing in between. You shouldn't connect points on a line graph with discrete data but some cases can be argued.

Continuous data is usually a measurement that could change like time.

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Q: Discrete and Continuous data is used in mathematics?
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What graph is used to discrete data?

Any kind of graph can be used for discrete data.

What is the analog definition in computer science and how does it relate to modern computing technologies?

Analog in computer science refers to a continuous signal or data representation, as opposed to digital which is discrete. Analog technology is used in modern computing for tasks like sound processing and image recognition, where continuous data is more suitable than discrete data.

What is the field of discrete mathematics all about?

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How is a number defined in mathematics?

In mathematics, a number is any discrete or continuous value. Discrete values are used for counting and ordering to determine unity or multitude among separate entities and for showing position in a series. Continuous values are used for measuring to determine magnitude along a given range. Numbers can also be used non-mathematically for labeling persons, places, and things. Numbers can be expressed symbolically as digits, words, or in the case of algebra, letters.

How is number defined in mathematics?

In mathematics, a number is any discrete or continuous value. Discrete values are used for counting and ordering to determine unity or multitude among separate entities and for showing position in a series. Continuous values are used for measuring to determine magnitude along a given range. Numbers are used non-mathematically for labeling persons, places, and things. Numbers can be expressed symbolically by digits, words, or in the case of algebra, letters.

Say someone used a line graph to show info about the number of CDs she owned by different arists.Is a line graph a good choiceto show data.... Why or why not?

A line graph is not a good way to represent the data as the number of CDs is a continuous variable, but the artists are a discrete, categoric variable. A line graph should be used when both variables are continuous. A bar chart or bar graph should be used when one variable is continuous and one is discrete.

Linear discrete time signal?

The linear discrete time interval is used in the interpretation of continuous time and discrete valued: Quantized signal.

What is the difference between analog and digital data in general?

Analogue data is data in a continuous stream that has an infinite range of values that change gradually. One example of analogue data is the sound of a person talking. We are capable of handling analogue data, yet computers require analogue data to be converted into digital data for processing. Digital data is discrete data that is used in computers to handle all sorts of digital media, including text, graphics and audio. It only exists in two forms - on and off. This is represented with two digits- 1s and 0s - in the binary format. Since digital data is discrete, files saved in this format can be copied perfectly with no degradation.

When a continuous probability distribution is used to approximate a discrete probability distribution what value is added or subtracted?

Half the discrete unit.

What is commonly used to show discreet data?

what is commonly used to show discrete data

How many graphs can be used for discrete data?
