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Don't know what "this" is, but all symmetric distributions are not normal. There are many distributions, discrete and continuous that are not normal. The uniform or binomial distributions are examples of discrete symmetric distibutions that are not normal. The uniform and the beta distribution with equal parameters are examples of a continuous distribution that is not normal.

The uniform distribution can be discrete or continuous.

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Q: Does this means that all symmetric distribution are normal Explain?
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Does this means that all symmetric distribution are normal?


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It means that the probability density function is symmetric about 0.

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As the sample size increases, and the number of samples taken increases, the distribution of the means will tend to a normal distribution. This is the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). Try out the applet and you will have a better understanding of the CLT.

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It is called a standard normal distribution.

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Yes, water is a symmetric compound with a bent molecular geometry. This means that the oxygen atom is at the center and the two hydrogen atoms are located on one side, resulting in an uneven distribution of charge within the molecule.

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Nonpolar molecules, such as hydrocarbons like hexane or octane, typically have symmetric charge distributions due to the equal sharing of electrons in covalent bonds. These substances are generally not soluble in water because their nonpolar nature does not allow them to interact favorably with the polar water molecules.

Why is the normal probability distribution called a family of normal probability distribution?

Because very many variables tend to have the Gaussian distribution. Furthermore, even if the underlying distribution is non-Gaussian, the distribution of the means of repeated samples will be Gaussian. As a result, the Gaussian distributions are also referred to as Normal.

Can one treat sample means as a normal distribution?

Not necessarily. It needs to be a random sample from independent identically distributed variables. Although that requirement can be relaxed, the result will be that the sample means will diverge from the Normal distribution.