Mr.Sher Muhammad id famous statistic professor,,.
his all books are very good and informative
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Probability theory is the field of mathematics that enables statistical inferences to be made. All equations used in statistical inferences must be based on mathematics (theorems and proofs) of probability theory. An example to illustrate this. Given a normal probability curve with a mean = 0 and variance of 1, 68% of the area under the curve is in the range of -1 to 1, as calculated from probability theory. Since it is proved by mathematics, we can state it as a fact. If we collect data, and the average of the data is zero, and the standard deviation is 1, then we can infer that we are 68% certain that the population mean lies between -1 to 1. Our conclusion is inferred based on our limited and imperfect sample and the assumption that our population is normally distributed.
Do tall parents tend to have offspring who are taller than average?This is the question that led John Dalton (Charles Darwin's cousin) to develop the theory of regression.
Without random assignment there is a danger of systematic error - or bias - entering into the results. Statistical theory depends on the errors being random and independent error and that is no longer the case without random assignment. In fact, statistical experiments are often "double-blind": even the observer does not know which individual is in which group. This is to prevent unconscious or subconscious messages to affect the outcome (placebo effects).
Statistical Data: Statistical data science involves the collection, interpretation, and validation of data. It involves a variety of statistical operations performed with some statistical tools without having prior statistical knowledge. There are several software packages for performing statistical data analysis, including SAS (Statistical Analysis System), SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), etc. There are Different Types of Statistical data : Numerical Data: The data can serve as a measure, such as a person's height, weight, IQ, or blood pressure, or they can serve as a count, such as the number of shares a person owns, a dog's number of teeth, or the number of pages in a book you finish before falling asleep. 2.Categorical data : Categorical data are attributes that can take on numerical values (such as the numbers "1" and "2" indicating male and female, respectively). Ordinary Data : In ordinal data, categorical data are mixed with numerical data. The data fall into categories, but the numbers placed on the categories have meaning. For example, rating a restaurant on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 4 (highest) stars provides ordinal data. Statistical Methods: It is a statistical method that extracts information from research data and provides ways to assess the robustness of research outputs with mathematical formulas, models, and techniques. There are different types of Statistical Methods: Descriptive Methods : A descriptive method involves every step in the analysis and interpretation process, such as the collection of data, the tabulation of data, the measurement of central tendency, the measurement of dispersion, as well as the analysis of time series. This method is also otherwise called descriptive statistics . 2 Analytical methods : This method comprises all those methods which help analyze and compare any two or more variables. These include correlation analysis, regression analysis, attribute association analysis, and the like. This method is also referred to as analytic analysis. Inductive Methods :A generalization procedure consists of all procedures that lead to an estimation of a phenomenon using random observations or partial data, such as interpolation and extrapolation. This methods is also otherwise called inductive statistics. Inferential Methods :In other words, it is a method of drawing conclusions about the characteristics of a population based on samples of data. This method includes theories such as sampling theory, different tests of significance, statistical control, etc. This method is also otherwise called inferential statistics. Applied Methods :These methods are used to solve real-life problems, such as statistical quality control, sampling surveys, linear programming, inventory control, and other procedures. This article will help you to learn more and understand better . If you want to Know more in deep , you can consult with professional experts like Silver lake Consulting , Spss - tutor who help you to solve each and every possible problem.
Introduction to statistical theory by Sher Muhammad CH is used at the University of Albany. It is available in book format as well as e-book format.
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