There is only one way not to collect data. The only way that is not a good way to collect data is theory development.
quantitative data is the characteristics obtained from an experiment usually the best way to collect quantitative data is to observe your subject.
Yes because they organize data in a way that somebody can read it.
Data mining software is a practical way to look for patterns and correlations. Basically, data mining take out information from data and transform it in a way to be understood for future use.
put them in a table
XSD, also known as XML Schema Definition, is a way of describing data in an XML format. It is recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium, as it is richer in data types and makes validation of documents easier.
Both are markup languages and subsets of the ISO, SGML standard.HTML is good for describing magazine like pages of communication (text), while XML is good for describing how data is to be handled (it deals with meta data).Thus as you can see the XML and HTML are tuned for doing different things.
xml doesnt use any coding, its not a programming language, its a markup language for marking up and describing data to browsers and other applications, you simply use a <> opening tag and a </> closing tag to contain your xml data ie <colour>red</colour>.
XML was designed for exchanging information. It is extensible, and easily constructed, since there are no restrictions on what you can use for a tag name (unlike HTML, for example). XML data is structured in a hierarchy which can be traversed like a database. It is a very common format and means of data exchange. There are several known standards for describing how data is exchanged, and XML is a very flexible means of doing that. If an application did not use XML for data exchange then the exchange would be through a proprietary format, which would not be as flexible or portable as XML.
xml is used on webpages and web services and can also be used to create data bases and to store and carry data.
XML is not easy on the eyes. Charts and tables are.owers XML is a way to tell the browsers how to diplay the data, but it is not visible as it it sits in the source code of the webpage or domain.
Yes, XML can be used for data storage. XML store data in the form of nodes and sub-nodes.
Some programs require XML-structured data. But there are ways around that, so if you know that programs do not need XML-structured data, then no -- you do not need XML.
xml is not a database, its a markup language that is used to transport data, information or bits of data are kept within xml tags and carried over the internet.
In xml, an element is a piece of data.
xml uses tags to describe data, any computer can then read the data using the tags.
no, xml is not semantic because the tags are not predefined. in xml you make your own tags to define the data. HTML by way of example hast set tags like <h1>. <body> etc