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The correlation coefficient is unaffected by change of origin or scale unless one of the sets of variables is multiplied by a negative term, in which case the correlation coefficient will become negative.

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Q: How change of origin or scale effect value of co-efficient of co-relation?
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Is Coefficient of correlation is independent of change of origin and scale?

The Coeffecient of corelation is definitely independent of origina and scale. If r(x,y)= cof or cor b/w X and Y let W=aX+b and Z=cY+d then r(x,y)=r( W,Z) Note that adding or subtracting a constant in all values of a random variable changes its scale. While multiplication or division change scale. The Form W=aX+b, caters the change both in origin and scale.

What is the effect of change of origin and scale on arithmetic mean?

The mean and scale will change by the factor of change for the sample data.

Is Coefficient of correlation is independent of change of origin and but not scale?

No. It is independent of both. See the link. Notice in the definitions, for both the population and sample versions of the coefficient, that the numerator involves subtracting both means and the denominator provides for dividing by both standard deviations. This makes both coefficients location and scale invariant.

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You can buy a Mass Effect 2 Key for PC on Steam, Origin, or

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(a) Correlation coefficient is the geometric mean between the regression coefficients. (b) If one of the regression coefficients is greater than unity, the other must be less than unity. (c) Arithmetic mean of the regression coefficients is greater than the correlation coefficient r, provided r > 0. (d) Regression coefficients are independent of the changes of origin but not of scale.

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8.7.4 Properties of Regression Coefficients:(a) Correlation coefficient is the geometric mean between the regression coefficients. (b) If one of the regression coefficients is greater than unity, the other must be less than unity.(c) Arithmetic mean of the regression coefficients is greater than the correlation coefficient r, providedr > 0.(d) Regression coefficients are independent of the changes of origin but not of scale.

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No, only their positions will change.

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The origin of the Mississippi River is Lake Itasca, in Minnesota. The origin of a river is also called its headwaters.