It is zero at the origin, positive above and negative below. Otherwise it can be numbered to any scale.
The Fahrenheit scale change of 1 degree is smallest when compared to Celsius change. 1.8 degrees Celsius is 1 degree Fahrenheit
They are the same; the kelvin scale is designed so the difference between degrees is the same as the celsius scale.
The mean and scale will change by the factor of change for the sample data.
The correlation coefficient is unaffected by change of origin or scale unless one of the sets of variables is multiplied by a negative term, in which case the correlation coefficient will become negative.
The Coeffecient of corelation is definitely independent of origina and scale. If r(x,y)= cof or cor b/w X and Y let W=aX+b and Z=cY+d then r(x,y)=r( W,Z) Note that adding or subtracting a constant in all values of a random variable changes its scale. While multiplication or division change scale. The Form W=aX+b, caters the change both in origin and scale.
To change a major scale to a natural minor scale, lower the 3rd, 6th, and 7th scale degrees.
It is zero at the origin, positive above and negative below. Otherwise it can be numbered to any scale.
You can change the size of your model by going to the 2D menu at the top, clicking 'change scale' and 'scale factor'.
You can change the size of your model by going to the 2D menu at the top, clicking 'change scale' and 'scale factor'.
Geologic Time Scale
Suppose a set of observations for a variable X has a mean mx.If a scale factor of a is applied to the observations, and the origin is shifted to the left by a distance b, then the new mean will be (m/a)*x + b.